截止2022年,美国共有45位总统。据CBS报道,今年九月Siena College Research Institute(SCRI)在141位知名美国总统历史学家中进行调查,对45位总统从好到差排名,发现川普名列第三,倒数的,排名第43。这是此研调机构在过去40年内所作的第七次调查。详情见下面两个链接。在上次(2018)调查中,川普也是倒数第三;见图1。
SCRI是一个成立了40几年的知名研究调查机构。这次跟前六次一样,是专家调查,而不是民意调查。专家调查主要关心的是美国总统的历史定位,而不是知名度与当前欢迎度,跟选美、收视率、竞选造势有所不同。在七次SCRI调查中,虽然参与学者换了一茬又一茬,Top Five 与 Bottom Five 的变化不大,显示出历史学家们对最好与最差总统认知的连续性与一致性。

图1: 美国最差总统 - Bottom Five
45. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
44. James Buchanan (1857-1861)
43. Donald Trump (2017-2021)【1】
42. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
41. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
35. George W. Bush (2001-2009)
28. Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
20. George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)
19. Joseph Biden 【2】
18. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
14. Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
11. Barack Obama (2009-2017)
9. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)

图2: 美国最好总统 - Top Ten
根据此次调查,川普是第43条好汉,与两位19世纪的总统为伍,成为美国总统最差三剑客。由于SCRI调查的连贯性,川普以后将可能继续待在Bottom Five 榜单里,直到一个比他更差劲的总统出现。
Donald Trump has the dubious honor of being the only U.S. president to face impeachment twice. His highest rankings were in luck, public persuasion and willingness to take risks — but he ranks low due to his weakening of the presidential office itself. 【2】调查评语
It's always difficult to accurately rate a president who is still in office, but historians like Biden for his integrity, ability to compromise and his executive and court appointments. However, he scores lower in his relationship with Congress and ability to communicate.