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政治不那么幽默(川普-里根) 2016-11-29 17:51:29

    今年三月写过一篇关于里根的政治幽默文章(政治幽默-里根),之后又收集了一些他比较正经的quotes,今天无意间读到,觉得有些意思,赶上美国大选精彩落幕,而且胜选川普引用了里根竞选时同样的口号“Make American Great Again”, 我们就来回顾一下里根的一些政治理念,看看和川普是否相似。



    ** "The American dream is not that every man must be level with every other man. The American dream is that every man must be free to become whatever God intends he should become." (芹泥注:这个关于美国梦的诠释,对理解公平和自由非常有帮助。)

    ** "Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence." (芹泥注: 可现实是,welfare 像个怪圈一样,越多的福利,导致需要福利的越多。 )

    ** "One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it."  (芹泥注: 这话有些意思。)

    ** "One legislator accused me of having a nineteenth-century attitude on law and order. That is a totally false charge. I have an eighteenth-century attitude. That is when the Founding Fathers made it clear that the safety of law-abiding citizens should be one of the government's primary concerns." (芹泥注: 这段话非常智慧)

    ** "Thomas Jefferson once said, 'We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.' And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying." (芹泥注: 哈哈,上两个quotes 很好玩, 直接穿越,和国父们并肩,并亲切友好的谈话。)

    ** "I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts." (芹泥注: 把权力关在笼子里是西方民主自由理念的核心之一)。

    ** "We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

    ** "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." 

    ** If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth." (芹泥注:现在更是如此)。

    ** "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done." (芹泥注: 非常喜欢这一段)。

    ** "We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them -- this morning, as they prepared for their journey, and waved good-bye, and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God.'" (Speech about the Challenger disaster).  (芹泥注:挑战者号的speech是里根很著名的speech之一)。

    ** "Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other." (芹泥注: 太对了,不过好像用于另一个国家更对。因为美国有些时段的政府是很不错滴)。

    ** "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so."  (芹泥: 太对了)。

    ** "Trust, but verify." (芹泥注,赞实证精神)。

    ** "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes." (Said during a radio microphone test, 1984)

** "The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead or the next. It was the deep knowledge -- and pray to God we have not lost it -- that there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest." (芹泥注,1984年,D-day 40周年纪念演说。)。

    ** "I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it and see it still.

    And how stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that; after 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home." (芹泥注: 摘自里根离职演说。)

    ** "Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."

    ** "History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap."

    ** "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." (芹泥注: 大赞。有些地方的人民把非自由一代代传下去,好像挺自然的。很奇怪。)。

    ** "Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive, They counted wrong."

    ** "Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong."

    ** "Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

    ** "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" (芹泥注: 这话以前在某处常常听到哈)。

    ** "General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."  (芹泥注,1987年,6月12号,柏林墙演说。)



1. Like Reagan, Trump is a Washington outsider. Reagan was twice elected governor of California but never served in Congress. Trump has never held political office. And then as now, being an outsider is a virtue to voters who desperately want change.

2. Reagan was dismissed as a serious candidate, and so was Trump. "The establishment critics said the exact same things about Reagan," Jeffrey Lord, a former Reagan aide who is close to the Trump campaign, told The Telegraph. "Reagan was ridiculed as 'not serious' and a B-movie actor, and they said over and over he could never win — until he did. It's happening again. I really feel it."

3. Trump and Reagan were both attacked by the establishment as being extreme and simplistic. Yet people were so fed up with the state of the country under Jimmy Carter that Reagan beat him in a landslide. As Trump's showing in the polls demonstrates, people are once again fed up with establishment politics.

4. Trump shares Reagan's "passion" for what he believes in.Reagan son's Michael Reagan recently told Newsmax that Trump speaks with the kind of passion his father so brilliantly conveyed. "That's why America right now has surrounded Trump, in this case, because he's off the cuff and he speaks from his own passion."

5. Trump espouses similar views as Reagan on illegal immigration. Trump created controversy — and won support from many — for his outspoken comments about illegal immigration and the lack of border security. Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986, making it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants and requiring employers to attest to their employees' immigration status.

6. Trump is a straight-talker, like Reagan. He doesn't hide behind political correctness, as his comments about illegal immigration demonstrate. Reagan talked to people from the heart and was dubbed The Great Communicator.

7. Trump began as a Democrat before becoming a Republican.Reagan, too, was initially a liberal Democrat, but he backed Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon and went on to register as a Republican in 1964.

8. Trump, like Reagan, has been a TV star. Reagan hosted "General Electric Theater" in the 1950s and "Death Valley Days" in the 1960s. Trump found TV stardom with "The Apprentice" and "Celebrity Apprentice."

9. Trump seeks to follow in Reagan's footsteps and succeed a liberal, big-government Democratic president. And Barack Obama is even further to the left than Jimmy Carter was.

10. Trump and Reagan both opposed runaway public employees' unions. Trump told Bill O'Reilly that he thought Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is "doing what's right for his state" by reining in public workers' unions. Reagan in August 1981 fired more than 11,000 air traffic controllers after they went on strike in violation of a federal law barring government unions from striking.

11. Trump shares Reagan's overall aim as president: to make America great again. Trump said he began the process of trademarking the slogan "Make America Great Again" and criticized some of his GOP opponents for using it. Reagan prominently featured the slogan on his campaign materials.

12. Trump favors tax reduction, as did Reagan. The reduction in tax rates championed by "Reaganomics" sought to spur economic growth. Trump has called for a repeal of the estate tax, the lowering of taxes on capital gains and dividends, and reducing the corporate tax rate to zero to spur job growth.

13. Trump, like Reagan, is pro-life.
 In 1982, Reagan stated: "Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Trump said in April 2011 that he was pro-life after years of being pro-choice.

14. Trump and Reagan both have defended gun rights and the Second Amendment. Reagan in 1986 signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act, which among other things ended federal records-keeping on ammunition sales. He said if we give up "that part of the Constitution" that is the Second Amendment, "we give up part of our freedom and increase the chances that we will lose it all." Trump told Breitbart News in April: "It is so important that we maintain the Second Amendment and that we maintain it strongly. And one of the main reasons is because the good people, the upstanding people, follow laws and norms, but the bad ones don't."

注: 资料来自网上。




政治幽默-下里巴人的狂欢 (下)

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作者:芹泥 回复 小思 留言时间:2017-01-08 18:49:20

好些天没上万维了,看到小思先生的问候很开心,谢谢先生的鼓励,也祝小思新年好, 祝先生新年新气象,好文不断。

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作者:小思 留言时间:2017-01-07 12:21:05


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作者:芹泥 回复 老冬儿 留言时间:2016-12-06 05:47:55

谢谢美冬儿还跑来捧场。没事,是不是川粉都没关系,我其实都不知道怎么定义川粉,是不是只要是选了川普,就是川粉?那美国有至少一半都是川粉? lol,那到挺简单的哈,美国参加选举的,一半川粉,一半希粉,倒也公平。 :)

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作者:老冬儿 留言时间:2016-12-04 14:56:05


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作者:芹泥 回复 特有理 留言时间:2016-12-01 16:10:27


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作者:芹泥 回复 海天 留言时间:2016-12-01 14:47:13



According to the Reagan Library, the now famous photograph was taken long back on November 3, 1987, at the white house. It was during a reception organised for the members of “Friends of Art and Preservation in Embassies.”

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作者:特有理 留言时间:2016-12-01 12:22:25



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作者:芹泥 回复 包大廳 留言时间:2016-12-01 10:42:05


传道书有句话: “智慧人的心居右,愚昧人的心居左“。 :)

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作者:芹泥 回复 芨芨草 留言时间:2016-11-30 19:14:29


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作者:芹泥 回复 沐岚 留言时间:2016-11-30 19:13:42


是呀,川普先遏制美国左行,然后U turn. lol

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作者:芹泥 回复 海天 留言时间:2016-11-30 19:10:48

海天MM好,对哈,他俩都是老当益壮,老骥伏枥志在千里。 人到七十正当年。

“子曰:“七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。” 做事能随心所欲而不越出规矩,想想还真得很有些修为积累呢。"


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作者:芹泥 回复 寡人 留言时间:2016-11-30 19:07:30

真的假的, 这句话是俄国谚语呀。我刚刚去查了一下,果然是。好吧,我到维基百科去查了一下这句话是啥意思,here we go:

Trust, but verify is a form of advice given that recommends that, while a source of information might be considered reliable, one should perform additional research to verify that such information is accurate, or trustworthy.

ok, 果然是addition research to verify. 而不是先verify,然受trust。


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作者:芹泥 回复 紫荆棘鸟 留言时间:2016-11-30 19:00:09

完全同意紫儿MM对于里根那句话的解读,我其实根本没觉得,“Trust, but verify”有时间先后的强调, 更多的是强调别忘了verify。至于先还是后,doesn't matter.

如果一定要说时间先后,我反而觉得这句话default应该是 “Trust, but verify first”。

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作者:芹泥 回复 wtxwtx 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:52:11


”Trust,but verify “。 并不意味着 先trust, 然后verfy.


”Trust, but verify first"


"Trust, but verify later."

”Trust,but verify “ 更多是含义是第一个,”Trust, but verify first"。

就像中文说,“可以吃饭,但先洗手” 一样哈。

至于先生的“告诫”,“不要以为名人的名言都是对的”, 哈哈,我还真是认为名人里根的名言就是对的。

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作者:芹泥 回复 寡人 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:44:32




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作者:芹泥 回复 老度 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:34:07


“罗斯福竞选的那次和里根竞选的那次,这两个人能够有力量冲破基本格局而取胜,算是不多见的例外。 这次大选,川普的政治冲击力惊人,”

的确如此,美国的政治制度成熟,一般来说,社会的问题,一些温和的药就能治,或左或右,做一些调整便可。可过去的十年实在是在左的路上走的太远了, 实在是需要一剂猛药。罗斯福和里根都是里程碑的人物,川普能不能如此,现在下结论还为时太早,先右转,遏制奥巴马克林顿,再拨乱反正。那天和老美同事聊天,他说,如果川普能够实现他的一半承诺都是非常好的。



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作者:包大廳 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:26:46




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作者:芹泥 回复 紫荆棘鸟 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:23:35


紫儿MM还是神经强悍,我根本不敢看,那天晚上,我想方设法做的事就是把我的心思转移到别的地方。 :)

其实我有好几个朋友都认为川普可能会赢,因为他们看twitter比较多。ohio state 校园事件之后,我看了一些twitter, 蛮能看到美国人的真实想法。挺好笑的,那个事件出来之后,马上有人讽刺说,“哈,看看他们怎么把这个事情说成是川普的错”,“估计有一堆人会同情这个索马里难民杀人嫌犯,哦,好可怜,他居然没有地方可以公开的祷告“, ”难怪他要杀人,他没地方公开祷告呀”。

希拉里竞选团的主席说 “要是这个嫌犯是白人该多好呀”。不知道MM知不知道,就在此事发生前几天,哥伦泊斯还游行抗议川普遣返非法犯罪移民,抗议者要把自己的城市变成非法移民的避难所,这一击耳光打得。

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作者:芹泥 回复 gugeren 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:05:31


也喜欢你第二个留言。 有政治经验当然是好的,但很多所谓政客的经验是官僚意义上的,他们早已忘了最初的政治理念。 川普这次当选有很多合理性,主要是中产阶级的利益在过去十年遭到严重损害,所有的政治政策都是剥夺working class的利益,正是不敢相信,美国居然是47% 不用交税,吃福利。而这些都是中产阶级买单。 他们倒好,漂亮话说着, 鼓励懒人,他们的利益集团可不会吃半点亏。另外,


还有似乎只有某种人的生命matter, 常常明明是罪犯,在媒体的七搞八搞下,最后他们倒成了victim 或者是英雄。 实在是搞不懂这些左派媒体和民主党政客脑子到底是被啥玩意塞住了。 人们选川普,是因为人们越来越厌恶虚伪的政治正确,

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作者:芨芨草 留言时间:2016-11-30 18:01:48


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作者:芹泥 回复 木桩 留言时间:2016-11-30 17:47:52

木姐姐好,我知道MM赶不上看选举的热闹,不过我想以色列那边这样的消息也不会少哈。 我也是,开始也觉得川普没戏,心下忐忑,不敢看的,晚上八点多就上楼了,沉溺在小说里,到了九、十点,我老公告诉我川普拿下佛罗里达,我更紧张了,早早睡觉。早上一起来赶紧看新闻,看到川普赢,都有点不敢相信,当然是十分开心。 我的一个好朋友,真的就等到三点,而且坚信川普能赢。我这方面一向不够淡定,就像不敢看我儿子比赛,想赢怕输带着急。lol.

我对经济实在是不通,也许海天MM可以长篇论述一番。 我一向喜欢小政府,也喜欢里根。 希望川普赢是因为实在不希望obama们再继续糟蹋这个伟大的国家了,在这么左下去,真的都无法逆转了。

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作者:沐岚 留言时间:2016-11-30 15:12:34

大鼎芹泥好文!期待 Trump 把极左棍们以”政治正确“之名导致的人类文明发展方向的不正确纠正过来!

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作者:海天 留言时间:2016-11-30 13:44:28


两人还有一个共同点,就是都是在七十岁上当总统。子曰:“七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。” 做事能随心所欲而不越出规矩,想想还真得很有些修为积累呢。

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作者:寡人 留言时间:2016-11-30 12:06:38

实际上,“Trust, but verify.”并非里根的发明,而是出自俄国谚语“Доверяй, но проверяй”,因为俄国人在谈话中喜欢引用一些谚语,里根同俄国人会谈时才经常重复这句话。它的意思是:当消息来源被认为是可靠的,我们仍应作进一步的调查研究去证实它是准确、值得信赖的。

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作者:紫荆棘鸟 回复 wtxwtx 留言时间:2016-11-30 11:31:34

我觉得这和西方的文化有关。在时间足够长的前提下(足够长是指能verified if verifiable),Trust, but verify 和 trust after verifying 是一样的,区别是 verified / rejected 之前的区别。

Trust, but verify 两个动词有点 concurrently 的味道,但 trust after verifying 是 sequentially 的意思。

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作者:wtxwtx 留言时间:2016-11-30 11:12:22


Trust, but verify.

应该为trust after verifying !

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作者:寡人 留言时间:2016-11-30 09:46:09

Very inspiring,谢谢芹泥的精心整理。希望我们都能梦想成真:他能成为另一个里根,使美国再次伟大。我倒是希望他能稳扎稳打,而不是急躁冒进。因为美国拜小布什、奥巴马所赐,有点积重难返,一届总统任期,显然是不足以解决所有问题的,川普应着眼于八年。

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作者:老度 留言时间:2016-11-30 06:59:57


这半个多世纪以来,美国民主党和共和党在各洲的基本盘都是相对固定的,竞选纲领也基本变化不大,都有基本套路。 一般的政客,也就是根据当时的实际情况做一点变化而已。 这么多年来大概只有两次不同,就是罗斯福竞选的那次和里根竞选的那次,这两个人能够有力量冲破基本格局而取胜,算是不多见的例外。 这次大选,川普的政治冲击力惊人,不但拿下了佛州,而且又一口气的拿下了威州,密西根州和滨州,这三个州可都是民主党的基本盘,所以失败的一方很难理解和接受这种情况。 所以根据以往的情况来判断,伴随着奇迹出现的,通常是伟大政治家。

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作者:紫荆棘鸟 留言时间:2016-11-30 04:23:20

顶!花了不少时间收集吧。Trump 作为一个草根政治家能从共和党中突出重围成为 candidate,本身也是奇迹。大选前我和木桩一样也觉得希拉里基本上稳赢了。那晚先看到 Trump 拿下 Florida,悬着的心就放下了,再后来看到 PA 被逆转,就呼呼去了,希拉里肯定是咸鱼。

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作者:gugeren 留言时间:2016-11-29 20:11:31

找到与川普一起竞争总统大位的那16个共和党候选人。这些人中,除了Ben Carson(1951-)是儿童神经外科医生,Carly Fiorina (1954-)是惠普公司的前CEO外,其余14人不是州长就是参议员。川普就是一个政治素人。然而结果大家都知道了。




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· 董胜今:董胜今的博客
· 木桩:木桩的博客
· 海天简牍:海天别院
· 核桃树:核桃树 -- 万维读者沙龙
· 远方的孤独:远方的孤独
· 邓小艇:邓小艇的博客
· 和谈:和谈的博客
· 甯宁寧:甯宁寧的博客
· 慌兮兮:慌兮兮
· 谭岳:谭岳的博客
· 海天:海天之间
· 紫荆棘鸟:-*-紫色王家思絮絮-*-
· 沐岚:沐岚的博客
· lone-shepherd:牧人的博客
· 老度:老度的博客
· 雪山下的绛珠草:雪山下的绛珠草
· 施化:施化的博客
· 老冬儿:老冬儿的博客
· 雨露:雨露的博客
· 阿妞不牛:阿妞不牛的博客
· 马黑:马黑的博客
· 人生晚秋:人生晚秋的博客
· 特有理:特有理
· 凌晨的微感
· 雪湖一瞥
· 时间不管不顾地带走了理想
· 渐渐的感到秋凉了
· 聪明的,能告诉我,你怎么看待黑
· 五月花
· 恰逢槐树飘香时
· 扁舟访友
· 秋结
· 茶思
【古希腊和古罗马 (1)】
· 政治幽默-下里巴人的狂欢 (下)
· 政治幽默-下里巴人的狂欢 (上)
· 命运的狂欢:古希腊悲剧 (下)
· 命运的狂欢:古希腊悲剧 (上)
· 古希腊的理性文明和感官世界(完
· 英雄主义和理性的完美结合:亚历
· 古希腊的理性文明和感官世界(中
· 古希腊的理性文明和感官世界(上
· 雅典城邦的民主制度
· 古希腊的诡辩术
· 开女性主题先河的悲剧大师-欧里
· 戏剧界的荷马-索福克勒斯
· 悲剧之父-埃斯库罗斯
· 谭岳先生关于古希腊音乐的评论
· 政治不那么幽默(川普-里根)
· 贵族-骑士-军人(2) 亚瑟王和圆
· 骑士-贵族-军人(1)
· 政治幽默-老罗斯福
· 政治幽默-里根
· 理性-启蒙-革命(下完)法国大革
· 理性-启蒙-革命(下2)美国革命
· 理性-启蒙-革命(下1)光荣革命
· 理性-启蒙-革命 (中)
· 理性-启蒙-革命 (上)
· 西点军校的枕头大战
· 骑士-贵族-军人(3)
· 士大夫之议(四)-江南文化社团
· 士大夫之议(三)东晋江南
· 士大夫情结-江南情结(微博)
· 士大夫之议 (二)
· 士大夫之议 (一)
· 穿越魏晋(十)拥曹俱乐部(上)
· 穿越魏晋(九)反曹俱乐部
· 穿越魏晋(八)骂人者和杀人者
· 穿越魏晋(七)拜访曹操
· 穿越魏晋(六)官场山涛
· 穿越魏晋(五)淡薄向秀
· 穿越魏晋(四)竹林四贤
· 穿越魏晋(三)酷和蛮
· 穿越魏晋(二)青白眼
· 穿越魏晋(一)大帅哥
· 拥曹俱乐部(中)
· 小议《三国志》和《三国演义》
· 苏雪林:辛亥革命前后的我(ZT)
· 公德:偶像私德的社会影响力
· 读民国反鲁才女苏雪林-续
· 苏雪林:马沙的家庭
· 苏雪林:我与旧诗(ZT)
· 读民国反鲁才女苏雪林
· 民国第一奇女子-惊才绝艳吕碧城
· 民国第一奇女子-惊才绝艳吕碧城
· 民国第一奇女子-惊才绝艳吕碧城
· 民国第一奇女子-惊才绝艳吕碧城
· 青青校树
· 我们的秋天(ZT)
· 关于鲁迅(ZT):他反帝反封建吗?
· 文学写作的修养(苏雪林文论)
· 梅脱灵克的《青鸟》(苏雪林文论
· 绿天(苏雪林散文)
· 国军军医三舅的故事
· 阿妞和芹泥关于胡适和鲁迅的对话
· 胡适:临危授命的驻美大使
· 兼记抗战时我和他一段交谊(ZT)
· 文革旧事(完) 臭乎?香乎? 粪
· 文革旧事(四)糖纸上的秘密
· 文革旧事(三)打碎的石膏像
· 文革旧事(二)画像上的针眼
· 文革旧事(一)妈妈,你反动
· 他牵过宋美龄的手
· 北窗露出一双眼睛
· 邓小华与邓小平的纠结
· 筒子楼的歌声
· 巨匠陨落!文坛“璀璨五彩笔”余光
· 秦淮河的船
· 水乡的船(下)
· 水乡的船 (上)
· 长江上的摆渡船
· 三峡的船
· 画里的船
· 少年人的船
· 回乡散记:三河古镇
· 听芹溪流水声
· 回乡散记(2): 锦溪古镇
· 回乡散记(1):惠山古镇
· 雪中探春
· 山居闲话 (三) 山中阻雨
· 山居闲话 (二)山里人家
· 山居闲话(一)鸟语潭心
· 夏日淑影: (四) 雨
· 夏日淑影 (三)晨
· 夏日淑影: (二) 夜
· 夏日淑影: (一) 日
· 梦里的旧屋
· 梦中的远行
· 看台上的欢乐颂-水墨画中的男子
· 梦里过雪山
· 梦后的驰想
· 老爸给了我一盆花
· 穿过废墟,我们漂流去
· 一场文艺会演
· 梦闯物理系
· 空谷拾梦
· 宝儿(完)悲情主义
· 宝儿(3)班长失踪
· 宝儿(2)兰男绿女
· 宝儿(1)一脸稀巴烂
· 将军(完)印度长袍
· 将军(4)Mafia女魔头
· 将军(3)一脑袋粘多糖
· 将军(2)刁细胞
· 将军(1)胆大妄为
· 微信风云录(三)
· 年轻的女教授
· 微信风云录(二)
· 微信风云录(一)
· 沦陷在微信的风情里(一次通话记
· 狂野的甜心
· 书生(3) 夜闯夹皮沟(下)
· 书生(2) 夜闯夹皮沟-上
· 书生(1)唇枪舌剑
· 焦虑的暗影
· 山水之间(许嵩)
· 自我和本我的对话:爱和美
· 又是清明雨上时
· Varsity 的男孩子们,再见!
· 旅馆散记
· 想雨
· 忙与闲
· 面试
· 乔布斯的玩具
· 电脑的困惑
· 开会
· 那些已经走远的往事(完)
· 那些已经走远的往事(2)
· 那些已经走远的往事(1)
· 我的三次雅集
· 思想-语言-讨论-争论
· 李斯,林肯
· 美国总统选举-中国十八大
· 心灵: 爱和美的女儿(微博)
· 从一个病友想到的中国户口制度
· 谈女友
· 母亲-媒婆-士兵
· 闲谈师道与其它
· 理性与感性
· 第一次上课
· 沙发上的陈永贵
· 谁是最笨的笨蛋?答案=X!
· 儿子上大学了,留下九岁的诗
· A conference call in real life
· 爱因斯坦比你聪明
· 儿子开的第一家公司
· 宝子包子和豹子
· I just want to see you suck
· 生命诚可贵, 一切无所谓
· 你知道自己在写什么吗?
· 友人趣话古怪篇:坐功超强的W君
· 漫话虎头蛇尾
· 大烟鬼T君
· 菜心
· 请投票:对选举作弊展开彻底调查
· 现在只有黑人可以诚实地批评黑人
· 美千禧夫妻骑车穿越ISIS,被杀
· 川普说了几乎所有中国留学生都是
· 圣诞快乐
· 一个指鹿为马的故事
· 引力波-爱因斯坦百年前的预言今
· 数字在奔跑(一): 神秘的电话
· 核桃树-思想奇花-夜莺歌喉-猢狲
· 探春园-将冬天叠起,探寻春的翠
· 猜猜猜,万维十四钗
· 老度先生和远方先生的精彩对话
· 阿妞和芹泥关于胡适和鲁迅的对话
· 由校园起床号说开去
· 难道家里有个虫洞?
· 离散的沙龙
· 关于哥德尔的议论
· GEB-一条永恒金色的纽带(3a)哥
· GEB-一条永恒金色的纽带(二)
· GEB-一条永恒金色的纽带(一)
· 屋里的绿头蛇(小小说)
· 董老先生天国安息!
· 那夜,草原星寂寥
· 梦里再会
· 漫话老爸(二)
· 漫话老爸 (一)
· 再见, 爸爸!
· 答友人Y之三问
· 你乏味了吗
【小说-曦儿的故事 (1)】
· 林曦儿的故事(10)暑假快到了
· 林曦儿的故事(9)曦儿发烧了
· 林曦儿恋爱的故事(8)求爱成功
· 林曦儿的恋爱故事(7)表白
· 曦儿的恋爱故事(6)苏阳的‘女朋
· 林曦儿的故事(5)告一段落
· 林曦儿的故事(4)爬山
· 林曦儿的故事(3)失恋
· 林曦儿的故事(2)撬锁
· 林曦儿的故事(1)邂逅
【小说-曦儿的故事 (2)】
· 林曦儿的故事(16)新学期开始
· 林曦儿的故事(15)买票
· 林曦儿的故事(14)苏阳失踪了
· 林曦儿的故事(13)放暑假了
· 林曦儿的故事(12)失落
· 林曦儿的故事(11)心结解开
· 非常有趣的观点
· 比新冠更可怕的病毒在美国 (张
· 左的和社会主义的邪恶
· 中国式爱国错在哪里?(ZT)
· 白左的逻辑就是没有逻辑 (ZT)
· 张洵:贸易战下川普完成战略部署
· Dennis Prager speech uc irvine
· 我们为什么走偏(微博)
· 西方价值观、犹太左翼思想以及审
· 华人的心结:该选哪个党?(张洵
· 卡特-里根, 奥巴马/拜登-川普
· 这件事有这么难理解吗?
· 强烈推荐一本好书《巨流河》
· 我希望,善良最终是有力量的
· 导读乎?首页乎?我写博是为了什
· 想联欢吗?
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