我太平洋诗歌出版社今天正式出版我社的第一部纯中文书籍: 作者:刘瑜 书名:《平凡人生,平凡故事〉(电子版) 发行:亚马逊电子书店 连接:https://www.amazon.ca/-/fr/%E5%8A%89-%E7%91%9C-ebook/dp/B08ZJS7SHG/ref=zg_bsnr_935038_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=HKW8JQPWTZJZ02FVKQ5X

太平洋诗歌出版社(Poetry Pacific Press) https://poetrypacificpress.blogspot.com/ 有意出书者,欢迎接洽:电邮地址:[email protected] ----------------------- 下附《平凡人生,平凡故事》英文通告 So, we (Poetry Pacific Press) are back after more than four years on hiatus, and even before the pandemic is gone... Today we have our very first all-chinese book (kindle edition) officially released on amazon here: https://www.amazon.ca/-/fr/%E5%8A%89-%E7%91%9C-ebook/dp/B08ZJS7SHG/ref=zg_bsnr_935038_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=HKW8JQPWTZJZ02FVKQ5X basic information: book title: Ordinary Life, Ordinary Story 《平凡人生,平凡故事》 author/narrator: LIU, Yu 刘瑜 character count: 48,000 chinese characters number of pages: 81 with about a donzen photos brief description: in a vivid chinese vernacular, with accurate narrative details, Liu recalls how she grew up as an adopted girl to an extremely impoverished family in an isolated village in Hubuei Province, left her parents without their knowing beforehand for a government job at age 15, and became a 'model' mid-level communist official before retirement. To celebrate her 80th birthday, Liu gives this book or memoire to herself as her best birthday gift.