En101 - The Global Language Revolution!
If you purchase before Christmas, you will have access until Jan. 1st, 2012!
En101 offers a full English language program and from basic to intermediate level of 8 other languages, including Spanish, Latvian, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, German, Russian, French and Korean.

Since 2005, En101 has offered a strong academic course of study and a real-world curriculum that prepares you for a lifetime of personal achievement and career success -- all at a price so affordable it may surprise you.

1 year enrollment - $199 (USD)
Enjoy this value packed, economical package for a full year.
Once you Enroll in En101.com - everyone in your household learns - at a very affordable price! You have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
English 101

English 101

100+ Chapters of English Proficiency modules.

Hundreds of pages of practice exercises, quizzes and drills.
- Full text and audio on all lessons.
- Writing Quizzes, Pronunciation Drills
- Alphabet, Counting, Money (US Dollars),
- Greetings, Food and Drinks, Household
- Family, health, banking, eating out, shopping, relationships, emergency...
- We cover too many topics to mention!
Writing 101

- Single Words
- Simple Sentences
- Short Sentences
- Short Paragraph
- Letter Practice
Practice every day spoken English, covering hundreds of subjects... from the comfort of your home or office!
En101 Kids

Entire Kids Section including 50+ Games

- Animals
- Numbers
- Alphabet
- Sports
- Foods
- Clock & Time
- Clothing
- Rooms
- Much More
Watch the smiles on your children's faces as they learn hundreds of important words!

Complete Study Guide for the U.S. Citizenship Quiz

- Verbal Citizenship Study Guide
- Verbal Citizenship Quiz
- Pledge of Allegiance
- States and Capitals
- Presidents
- State Information
- Songs of America
- Bill of Rights
- Plus More!
Everything you need to become a PROUD U.S. Citizen and an active member of society!
You have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
En101 - The Global Language Revolution!
成立于2005年2月14日。En101 给您个人终身成就和事业成功提供了一套学术气氛浓厚而具现实世界的课程 -- 价格合理。
注册一年- $199 (USD)
购买En101.com的套装 - 你的家庭里每一个人都能学习 - 并且是以一个可负担的价钱去学习! 你可以一天24小时,一周7天上网学
English 101
- 每课都有文字和发音。
- 书写测验, 发音技巧
- 字母, 计数, 货币(美元),
- 问候, 食物和饮料, 家庭
- 家庭,健康,银行,外出就餐,购物,关系,紧急事件。。。
- 包括太多主题,无法一一列举!
- 单词
- 简单句
- 短句
- 短段落
- 字母练习
- 动物
- 数字
- 字母
- 体育运动
- 食品
- 钟表和时间
- 服装
- 房间
- 等等


- 学习效忠誓言
- 学习50个州的知识
- 学习美国州府的知识
- 学习美国总统的知识
- 学习50个州的知识
- 旅游目的地
- 学习人权法案